Wednesday, October 17, 2012


              In the page shown below it talks about this lady who grows a new ear on her arm. Crazy I think, but Doctors at John Hopkins have attached a new ear to a patient that was grown on her own forearm. She is the first patient to receive a new procedure that uses rib cartilage to build an entirely new ear. After they build it up they placed it under her skin of her arm to grow. It seems to have been successful. She is going to have a normal looking ear build up with her own cells.
           In this video they talk about how people wouldn't have to wait for anymore transplants because doctors are building up human organs up with the persons own cells. It talks about how 20 people die each day waiting for a transplant and how there is over a hundred thousand people waiting to get a transplant. The organ has to come together and work together. Most body parts will be replaceable. In the video it show this rat who has a human ear on his back, which is gowning perfect cartilageIt also talk about how your body won't reject it because its your own cells.

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